Employment in Quebec

Services gouvernementaux

Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) – Government of Canada’s website helping foreign-trained workers succeed in Canada. It provides valuable information for newcomers, persons planning to immigrate to and work in Canada, employers and various FCRO partners such as regulatory bodies and immigrant serving organizations.

Immigration Quebec–Employment – A guide to finding gainful employment in Quebec. A good starting point.
Working in Canada – Government of Canada’s site providing employment information for newcomers to Canada. Find out about jobs, wages, qualifications, and what you need to to before and after arriving in Canada. 

Employment for Newcomers to Canada – Lists benefits, programs, and services available to newcomers seeking employment. 

Service Canada: Social Insurance Number – How to obtain a Social Insurance Number–you must have a SIN to work legally in Canada. 

Canadian Labour Market Information – General and detailed information on local labour markets across Canada, including monthly bulletins for each province. 

National Occupational Classification & Career Handbook – Since its introduction in 1992, the National Occupational Classification system continues to be the authoritative resource on occupational information in Canada. The NOC is used daily by thousands of people to understand the jobs found throughout Canada’s labor market.

Vocational Services

InfoRouteFPT – Central website for vocational and technical training in Québec. This mega site holds many MEQ dossiers and offers several products and services directly related to education and employment. 

Alliance pour L’Accueil et L’Integration des Immigrants et Immigrantes Montreal – Service professionnel, gratuit et personnalisé d’orientation et de recherche d’emploi.
Le nouvel arrivant sera en mesure de s’insérer au marché du travail avec de bons outils en main. 

Accueil pour Immigrants et Refugies du Sud-Ouest de Montreal/Centre Prism Montreal – Faciliter la transition et l’adaptation au marché du travail des nouveaux arrivants en leur fournissant un accompagnement individuel ou en groupe.

L’Hirondelle: Services D’Accueil et D’Integration des Immigrants Montreal – Le service d’employabilité et de placement de L’Hirondelle, créé en 1992, fournit au nouvel arrivant un encadrement, une orientation et un accompagnement visant à lui donner toutes les chances d’intégrer rapidement le marché du travail.

Ometz – Ometz is a Jewish response to employment and immigration in Montreal.

Women’s Centre of Montreal – Employability development services aim to facilitate the integration of women into the labour market. Offer specialized employment services for newcomer and immigrant women in Montreal.

Service D’Orientation at D’Integration des Immigrants Au Travail Quebec – Que ce soit à travers nos rencontres individuelles ou nos ateliers collectifs, nous vous aidons à préciser vos besoins professionnels, à comprendre et démystifier les codes culturels du monde du travail québécois et à développer des techniques efficaces de recherche d’emploi. Grâce aux services et outils mis en place par le SOIIT, vivez un accompagnement qui facilite l’arrimage culturel. Trouvez votre place sur le marché de l’emploi.

Canada Wise – Canada Wise provides settlement and information services for newcomers to Canada, including individual relocation, corporate relocation, and intercultural training. 


Emploi Quebec–Support for Self-Employment – Explains the basics of self-employment in Quebec. 

Government of Quebec–Créer son entreprise – Detailed self-employment help and tools from the Quebec government (French only). 

Canada Business–Services for Entrepreneurs – Provides information and support to develop your ideas and business plan, registering your business name, buying and financing a business, and various checklists and guides. 

Strategic Canada’s Business and Consumer Site – Timely business and consumer information: start a business and explore new markets, research trade and investment data by product or industry, keep up with technological innovation, access a library of consumer information.



Red Seal Trades – List of trades that fall under the Red Seal Program-a program maintaining the standard of excellence for skilled trades across the country.

Guide de la Qualification Professionelle – Provides support services to help immigrants work in the trades in Quebec.

Job Search Websites

Jobs Hub – A source for finding employment and contract work in Quebec. 

Job Bank – Job Search, Job Match, Job Alert, Résumé Builder and Career Navigator tools are available, as well as a Training and Careers section that will help you identify career options. Also discover the latest trends, employment prospects and salary ranges of skilled trades and occupations. (A Government of Canada Site). 

Public Service Commission of Canada – The Public Service of Canada offers a wide variety of employment opportunities in many fields and areas of specialization. 

Quebec Public Service – Search for careers in the provincial public service (French only). 

Workopolis – A source for finding employment and contract work in Canada. Search millions of jobs in all industries.

WowJobs – A source for finding over 100,000 jobs across Canada including advertised, classified and company sites.

Professional Associations

Canadian Professional Organizations of Canada– Comprehensive list of professional associations in Canada.